Bluewhite64 Server update with swaret

februarie 22 12:00 2009

root@server:~# swaret –update
swaret 1.6.3-2

[ ]
### Fetching CHECKSUMS List File… DONE!
### Fetching FILELIST List File… DONE!
### Fetching PACKAGES List File for Packages… DONE!
Extra Packages Descriptions up-to-date!
### Fetching PACKAGES List File for Patches… DONE!
### Fetching ChangeLog… DONE!
=> Generating List Files… DONE!

root@server:~# swaret –upgrade
swaret 1.6.3-2

=> Creating EXCLUDE List….. DONE!

Listing all available Packages…
New: git- (7161 kB) – Installed: git-
New: libpng-1.2.35-x86_64-1 (511 kB) – Installed: libpng-1.2.27-x86_64-1

Upgrade git- to git- (y/n/A/Q): [y]A
[ ]
### Fetching git- (7161 kB)…
— [********************] 100%/100% [TOTAL: 0%/100%] DONE!
=> <MD5CHECK> MD5 for Package git- OK!
[ ]
### Fetching libpng-1.2.35-x86_64-1 (511 kB)…
— [********************] 100%/100% [TOTAL: 1399%/100%] DONE!
=> <MD5CHECK> MD5 for Package libpng-1.2.35-x86_64-1 OK!
=> Upgrading git- to git-… DONE!
=> Upgrading libpng-1.2.27-x86_64-1 to libpng-1.2.35-x86_64-1… DONE!

INFORMATION: Set DEPENDENCY to 0 in /etc/swaret.conf
to disable Dependency Support.

%%% Verifying Dependencies… Libraries resolved successfully!

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